| AUB website | At a signing ceremony at AUB on May 28, 2018, five major Lebanese universities signed the Technology Cooperation Agreement for Research and Education (TechCARE).
Press coverage
| NORDUnet website | The Arab States Research and Education Network (ASREN), has recently connected the Jordanian University Network (JUNet) to the ASREN pop in Amman, Jordan, and onwards to London, providing JUNet connectivity to GÉANT and the global R&E netwoks.
| connect.geant.org | Last week the Arab States Research and Education Network (ASREN) announced the upgrade of its dedicated link from Amman, Jordan, to its PoP in London, from 155 Mbps to 1 Gbps.
| inthefieldstories.net | The largest scientific project in the Middle East, the SESAME synchrotron radiation facility, was officially unveiled in May 2017.
| ASREN website | AMMAN – HE Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh, chairman of Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Organization and Chairman of the Arab States Research and Education Network with His Excellency, Prof. Ali M. Qaisi, Chairman of the Jordanian Universities Network and Mr. Sami Smeirat, Chief...
| euneighbours.eu | The EU-funded EUMEDCONNECT3 project, which supports international R&E (research and education) connectivity for the Eastern Mediterranean region, has been extended to December 2019.
| greenarea.me | The American University of Beirut has signed an agreement with the Arab States Research and Education Network that connects Lebanon to the global research and education community through the European Research and Education Network, GÉANT.
| website.aub.edu.lb | The American University of Beirut has signed an agreement with the Arab States Research and Education Network that connects Lebanon to the global research and education community through the European Research and Education Network, GÉANT.
| asrenorg.net | Building on an on-going dialogue among the Lebanese Ministry of Education and the Lebanese National Council for Scientific Research CNRST, GEANT Association, and the Arab States Research and Education Network (ASREN), the American University of Beirut (AUB) has signed a...
| asrenorg.net | GÉANT has recently been given official recognition by the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) of its role in research and education networking. It was invited to use its expertise to help UfM implement its digital economy agenda in the Southern Mediterranean.
| arn.dz | GÉANT has recently been given official recognition by the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) of its role in R&E networking and invited to use its expertise to help UfM implement its digital economy agenda in the Southern Mediterranean.
| euromediter.eu | North African Neighbourhood partners will benefit from the launch of “AfricaConnect2”, a new €26 million EU-Africa project to provide dedicated high-speed internet all over the continent.
| csstoday.com | An agreement to connect research and education resources in Jordan with partner organizations from around the world has been reached with the support of the European Union-funded EUMEDCONNECT3 program.
| CORDIS news (PDF) | An EU-funded programme is providing researchers in Jordan with access to academic resources in the region and across the world.
| talalabughazaleh.com | As part of its ongoing efforts of the Arab States Research and Education Network (ASREN), an agreement on the international connection of the national research and education (R&E) communication network was concluded with DAMAMAX, one of the leading regional...
e-AGE 2013 – 3rd International Platform on Integrating Arab e-infrastructure in a Global Environment
| digitalmeetsculture.net | Held under the patronage of His Excellency Minister of Higher Education & Scientific Research of Tunisia, the event is organized by the Arab States Research and Education Network (ASREN) and hosted by the Tunisian Computing Center Al Khwarizmi (CCK) in...
| telecompaper.com | E-infrastructure services provider EumedConnect3 has upgraded Algeria’s international connectivity to 622 Mbps available for its scientists and academicians.
| Jordan Times (PDF)| Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh, chair of the Global Alliance for ICT and Development (GAID) of the United Nations announced the launch of the Arab Scientific Research and Education Network (ASREN) at the 3rd EU-MED Event held in Brussels, Belgium.
| Al Dustour, Jordan (PDF – Arabic) |
| Al Dustour, Jordan (PDF – Arabic) |
| sciencedaily.com | The ASTRA project, standing for Ancient instruments Sound/Timbre Reconstruction Application, has revived an instrument that hasn’t been played or heard in centuries. Using the Enabling Grids for E-sciencE infrastructure for computing power, scientists have...
| scidev.net | A communication network has been launched that will enable researchers from the Middle East and North Africa to link directly into European research networks.
| corriere.it | La tradizione narra che il primo esemplare aveva solo quattro corde e fu costruito da Epigonio, uno dei più celebri musici dell’antichità, vissuto qualche decennio prima di Omero.
| pressetext.com | Mithilfe von Computermodellen haben Forscher antike Musikinstrumente zum ersten Mal seit Jahrhunderten erklingen lassen.
| translatum.gr | A new computer-modelling project has been successful in recreating the sound of the harp-like Epigonion musical instrument from Ancient Greece.
| medievalnews.blogspot.com | Ancient musical instruments can now be heard for the first time in hundreds of years, due to a new computer modelling project.