The three-paragraph, one-sentence and the single line descriptions below should be used in publications, articles or press releases to describe EUMEDCONNECT3. Please use the descriptions below to ensure that accurate information is communicated.
The EU-funded EUMEDCONNECT project supports research and education (R&E) networking for the Eastern Mediterranean (Jordan, Lebanon and Palestine). Now in its 3rd phase, it provides high-capacity international internet connectivity for academic and scientific collaborations. The project is run by the GÉANT organisation in partnership with ASREN, the local NRENs and the NRENs of Cyprus, France, Greece, Italy and Spain.
Through its earlier phases the EUMEDCONNECT programme also provided a regional R&E network for North Africa, with Algeria, Egypt, Morocco and Tunisia benefiting since 2004. In July 2015, the North African countries became partners in the new AfricaConnect2 project, also managed by GÉANT and ASREN. Close links with the EUMEDCONNECT3 community are being maintained as the two projects bring the African and Arab R&E communities together.
The European Commission is contributing over €3m towards the costs of EUMEDCONNECT3 from its regional European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument (ENPI South) budget towards EUMEDCONNECT3, with the remaining funds being provided by the Mediterranean partners. The current project phase will run until December 2021.
One sentence description
EUMEDCONNECT3 is the regional internet network serving the research and education community across the eastern Mediterranean and linking to the pan-European GÉANT network.
Single line description
EUMEDCONNECT3 – the research and education network for the Eastern Mediterranean.